URL Parsing

Wordsmith provides several helpful methods for working with URLs.

The getUrlParts() function parses a string as a URL and attempts to return an array of component parts — e.g. protocol, hostname, path, etc.

(Several shortcut filters are also available if you only need to extract one specific part.)

You can also parse the video ID out of YouTube URLs. (Vimeo URL parsing coming soon.)

Wordsmith’s name parsing methods include:

URL parsing


Parses a string as a URL and returns a hash of its components:

{% parseUrl('https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor') %}

# {
# 'scheme' : 'https'
# 'host' : 'guidesr.us'
# 'port' : 42
# 'user' : 'michael'
# 'pass' : null
# 'path' : 'the-answer'
# 'query' : 'foo=bar'
# 'fragment' : 'anchor'
# }

This function takes after PHP’s parse_url() method, except that it always includes all of the possible components, even if they’re empty. Furthermore, the individual components returned by parseUrl are string objects, to preserve chainability.


Returns the fragment component of a URL. (i.e. the part after a hashmark ‘#’, which usually represents an anchor on the target page.)

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlFragment }}

# 'anchor'


Returns the host name component of a URL.

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlHost }}

# 'guidesr.us'


Returns the password component of a URL, or null if the URL doesn’t specify a password.

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlPass }}

# ''


Returns the resource path component of a URL, or null if the URL doesn’t specify a path.

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlPath }}

# '/the-answer/'


Returns the port number component of a URL, or null if the URL doesn’t specify a port.

_(PHP’s parse_url() method returns an integer for the port number component. Wordsmith, by contrast, returns a string object, to preserve chainability with other methods.)_

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlPort }}

# '42'


Returns the query string component of a URL, or null if the URL doesn’t specify a query.

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlQuery }}

# 'foo=bar'


Returns the protocol component of a URL (e.g. ‘http’, ‘https’).

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlScheme }}

# 'https'


Returns the user component of a URL, or null if the URL doesn’t specify a user.

{{ 'https://michael@guidesr.us:42/the-answer/?foo=bar#anchor' | urlUser }}

# 'michael'


Returns the YouTube video ID from a URL, or null if the source string isn’t a YouTube video URL.

{{ 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ' | youtubeId }}

# 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'